Sunday, October 14, 2007

Aggravating Circumstances

Well, it looks like things have changed AGAIN! I received a call from Nova on Friday and people in Japan will not be paid on time again. They were supposed to be paid on the 15th, but they won't be paid until the 19th. Nova also notified me that they found out that they have no housing available in the month of November. Now it looks like I won't be leaving until after the New Year.

I am going to do some research on the other companies that are out there and see what that brings me. Nova is not the only company that I can teach through. I told Nova that I will think about what I want to do and that I will get back to them on Monday.

I can't believe this is happening, but maybe there is a reason and it is for the best. Maybe I wasn't meant to go to Japan right now and maybe I wasn't supposed to go with Nova. I'll just keep looking on the bright side and take one day at a time! This will all work out!